That's actually a lyric from a Mest song I liked a lot in high school. And it's the truth. Just a RUT (Random Useless Thought).
So I've made a few new goals for myself to add to the ones I mentioned in my first blog.
-Become scuba certified by the end of summer.
-Dive in the Great Barrier Reef (whenever it happens ha)
-Go shark diving (in a cage of course)
-Go to Costa Rica next summer and work with the endangered leatherback turtles.
-Get underwater housing for my camera and do underwater photography.
-Take a cake decorating class over the summer.
These are things I've thought about for a while but wasn't sure I wanted to do. But the way I see it, 70% of the world is water...why not explore what's under it? I'm sure its probably more fascinating than land exploration. And the Costa Rica/Turtle thing...Well I've always wanted to go to south america...and turtles are my favorite animal! Leatherback turtles are actually the largest of sea turtle species weighing in at a whopping 1800-2000 pounds! I have so many things I want to do. I just need to take it one at a time. Eventually I'll do them all.
As far as cake decorating goes...I love baking! Especially cakes! I think decorating them is fun. I'm a total novice but I'm sure with some classes offered at Michaels I can learn the basics and then expand on that. Plus it would be cool to do cakes for friends weddings. When you're mormon everyone gets married all the time. So it's a little extra spending money. :)
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