So my friend's band recently released a new EP and it's amazing! You can listen to some of the songs on their myspace. Just go to music search and type "Good Morning Milo" You won't regret it, I promise! :)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Good Morning Milo!!!
Posted by joyciebear at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
so i'm settled into my new room at my mom's place. I really like it here. I have a lot of the same freedom to go and do as I wish like I did when I was living on my own. I decided that with the money I'm saving with rent, I'm going to travel next year. I decided that already but I wasn't sure if I wanted to see south america or europe. The decisions has been made and I'm pretty sure I'll be going to Europe. There are a plethora of countries I'd like to see and I think I'll spout out a few....France, Spain, England, Ireland, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Latvia. That would all probably take me about a month maybe a little more.
I know I said I was taking a hiatus from dating...but then I realized I had a little crush on someone. I don't really have the energy left to do anything about the crush, as I doubt he feels the same way but it's just annoying in a seems like once i get into that mode where i'm like "okay i'm focusing on school and putting dating on the back burner" POP out of nowhere comes someone. Oh well, I don't want to get my hopes up. I dont need another disappointment right now. I shouldn't be so pessemistic. In reality I should probably put my feelings out there even though I'd be risking quite a bit. But like I've said before there's no chance in gaining anything if you dont take a chance and risk something. Right?
Whatevs, I'm a chicken.
Welcome to the closing.
Posted by joyciebear at 1:55 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
time for a little hiatus...
from dating.
I've been dating so many guys lately and one in particular really took a lot out of me. I feel like a lot of guys are liars and don't know how to be real with a girl. I think it's hilarious when they say they don't want any games when it's usually the guys who are playing them the least from my experience.
I've been thinking through things and I feel like I've expended a lot of energy in the last year with the guys I've dated. I dont really have anything left to give right now. It's time to fill my bucket. So as far as dating goes, I won't turn a guy down if he wants to take me to dinner or whatever, but I'm making it clear that I'm not in search of anything serious right now. Like a friend of mine said in her have all of eternity to be married so you may as well make the most of your single days, because those are numbered.
Posted by joyciebear at 3:52 PM 0 comments
So today is technically my last day living in downtown with Brenna as my roommate. It's been a lot of fun and luckily Bren and I are good enough friends to leave the apartment with our friendship still fully intact, if not stronger than before. It's a bitter sweet experience as we move all our stuff out. The location was great, the apartment was cute, and we worked really hard to paint and decorate the place to make it our own. But at the same time we're also happy to be leaving behind the drama that we had to put up with there and certain neighbors, and we definitley won't miss not being able to find parking when we get home past 10pm.
I feel like living at home, as cool as my mom is, I'm giving up part of my independence again. It makes me a little sad because I really like being independent, but I know that I chose the right thing to do. My mom has been having some health issues again so it's good I'm living with her. I'm the only family she has in the United States so I feel like we need to stick together. Living at home again will be beneficial to me too. Saving rent money means I can finally travel and see the world like I've always wanted to. I'm still thinking about taking a backpacking trip to europe next summer. Anyone looking for a travel companion? lol It also means I'll be able to keep working part time so that I can go to school in the mornings. My mom's place is also a lot closer to Grossmont College so I won't have to commute so far. I know I want to do a lot of things right now, but I can't do them all at once. Everything has a time and place and I think this is where I need to be right now.
I went to institute last night. Elder and Sister North are teaching a class on the Pearl of Great Price and let me just's amazing! I think it's quickly becoming one of my favorite standard works! It imparts a wealth of information regarding where we came from....things that aren't recorded in the book of Genesis. I've been struggling through a spiritual slump but this class definitley helped me out. It's geting me excited about the scriptures. Before last night it had been months since i read from them.
Tuesday I went with my mom to her bible study with her pastor. I kinda just wanted to spend time with my mom, but I think my testimony of the gospel grew. A lot of the adventist beliefs line up with LDS beliefs but there were some things that didn't make sense. I asked certain questions that were answered in a round-about way. What really didn't make sense to me was when her pastor told me that when we die we are nothing. He said our bodies return to the ground and so i asked what happens to our spirits. He said we don't have a spirit/soul unless our bodies are resurrected and God gives us life again. Basically he said when we die we are nothing. The funny thing is, when he said these things, I didn't feel the spirit. That's how I knew these things weren't true. But when I study what we know to be true in the LDS church, the spirit is there. These experiences this week between my mom's pastor and the institute class really helped me find my testimony again. Now I'm starting to remember why I joined the church in the first place. I missed this feeling and I'm glad to have it back.
Posted by joyciebear at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Moon walker!!!
So I've got my moon boot! :) That's what I call the walking boot I got from the orthopedic surgeon at UCSD Urgent Care today! As some of you may know, I've gone many routes trying to find the medical attention necessary to ensure that my 5th metatarsal avulsion fracture heals properly. I went through CMS and that lady was a _ _ _ _ _ (you fill in the blanks) who apparently misinformed me completely! Then I went thru medical but because I'm not pregnant or disabled I didn't qualify. I asked the medi-cal eligibility worker if I needed to go get knocked up and screw my life up at this point to get the medical services i needed. She laughed and said "yeah its screwed up isn't it?".
Posted by joyciebear at 1:57 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday bloginocity...
Posted by joyciebear at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
mi amiga Chrissy...
Posted by joyciebear at 7:55 PM 0 comments
me and my bum foot!
I went to a bonfire last friday and I thought the water was warm and inviting. I went home and got my swim suit and went in for a nice dip in the ocean. On my way out I was running and my foot hit a hole. I thought I sprained my ankle since i've done that a couple times before on my left foot. I tried "walking it off". I stayed on crutches for a couple days. Tuesday i was able to bear weight on my foot with minimal pain so I ditched the crutches. Wednesday the swelling started to go down and the side of my foot looked a bit crooked. It didnt seem like a sprain to me anymore. I decided to go to the E.R. that night after work. Turns out my 5th metatarsal (the bone on the outside of the foot that starts at you pinky toe) is broken. It may possibly be a Jones fracture which may take up to 6 months to heal. I don't have insurance so I'm going to see the CMS social worker on the 9th. After taht I'll be able to see the doctor again and get the referal I need for the orthopedic specialist. Then we'll figure out what the prognosis really is. I'm praying it's not a Jones fracture...I really don't want to be on crutches for 4-6 months :( At first I was really depressed because this means that was my last ooh-rah for the summer but I'll just have to take up other hobbies and take pleasure in other things. Here are some things I might try...
-Exercise: I will go speed crutching! haha I can do sit ups/crunches and my arms will probably tone up really nice. Plus I'll have one sexy right leg!
-Read the Twilight books. My roomie says they're amazing!
-Photography. I'll figure out how to take awesome pics while balancing on one leg! haha
-blog. i'll be doing lots of that.
anyone have anymore suggestions?
I've found that I really like using the electric chair at the grocery store! it's a lot of fun! i never want to shop on 2 feet again! Anyway I'm going to go write another blog!
Posted by joyciebear at 1:10 PM 0 comments